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We serve the God of the IMPOSSIBLE!

"Jesus looked at them and said, 'with man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God'" (Mark 10:27, NIV)

This year has been an incredible walk of faith for myself and our ministry. We've ventured out to serve in the capacity in which God has called us, and it's awesome! Through all the days of serving the body of Christ, I must say that the greatest moments of ministry are the moments when God does the impossible! I love when the Lord makes a "roadway in the desert, and rivers in the valley.." (Isaiah 43:19). 

I want to encourage you to believe God for greater levels of His presence, more encounters with His miraculous plan for your life! Perhaps you're facing an impossible situation today, maybe you received a negative diagnosis or bad report, an unexpected setback or circumstance that has shook your foundation. I encourage to stand and believe in the God of the impossible! He will never leave you or forsake you, trust Him! Our team is praying with you, that the God of the impossible would invade every area of your life, so that your testimony would be..."only God could do these miraculous things in and through me, not my power or strength, but His!"

Thank you for all your love and support with our ministry, music and resources. So many things to come!

We're praying with you!

God bless,

Greg Armstrong